Sporigerm® Fazzoletti+

Disinfectant detergent wipes

Sporigerm® Fazzoletti+ is a ready to use medical device with an effective
disinfectant action against Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria, yeasts,
Mycobacterium Tuberculosis (TBC), Viruses (including HIV-HBV-HCV).

A convenient solution which makes Sporigerm® Fazzoletti+
a specific product for the disinfection and cleansing suitable
for surfaces of non-invasive medical devices such as dental chairs,
worktops, armrests, handles, turbines, face masks, headrests etc.,
even in the presence of organic material (blood, saliva, exudates).

COMPOSITION 100,00 g of product
Benzalkonium Chloride......................................0.50 g;
O-Phenyl phenol................................................0.02 g;
Isopropyl alcohol, Ethyl alcohol, Co-formulants;
Purified water, q.s. at ...................................100.00 g;

Class IIa CE 0546 medical device complying with Directive 93/42/EEC
as amended by Directive 2007/47/EE

Expiry: 3 years

Contacts times:

Enveloped viruses (HIV, HBV, HCV) 5 min
Bacteria 5 min
Fungi (yeasts) 5 min
Non-enveloped viruses (Adenovirus) 5 min
Mycobacteria 60 min



501002 Sporigerm® Fazzoletti+ (12) flow packs, 50 wipes each